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(2024) El Allego was written by Camilla (starring C
Emily Perez follows four prominent women in Mexico, each pursuing their own fortune. The film is about Emily Reta, a cartel leader who hires an underrated lawyer, and the two extremes of her own personality that she must play as Emily and Manitas, who he has inspired from the idea of a musical novel about a drug dealer who wants to change his identity. Bamba Remake, Tarantino’s Big Mouth, Jenna & Selena Are Struck!
Dalmais), Clement Dicol and Jacques Audiard, and is performed by Zoe Saldana
Emily Perez may dwell on the genre’s wild audacity, but what really makes this musical crime drama a transitional experience is its genuine heart. The transitional narrative and musical numbers work hand in hand with an overall sense of unpredictability to give the film many of its biggest surprises. The crime drama aspects are played surprisingly straight, and the middle successfully becomes Mrs.
Zoë Saldaña is a wonderful performance that eschews subtlety in favor of something bold, and each musical number showcases a previously unseen skill set
Doubtfire. She carries you through the opening moments, and then Carla Sofia Gascon Saldaña begins to take control without feeling like she’s being sidelined. Gascon is amazing because her performance is so earnest as she embraces her new life while holding on to the best parts of her old life while also struggling to come to terms with some of the revelations her old partner has made.
The musical numbers are great with real variety
Like some of his previous efforts, Jacques Audiard’s direction moves at a steady pace, taking the time to follow his characters’ lives wherever they go. There’s an element of hyper-realism to them, as they’re lyrics and each piece where the characters essentially sing their dialogue or they’re big dance numbers with fine cinematography by Paul Gilholm. Stands out.